Dutton-Lainson wants you to get the most out of your D-L products. To help with this, we offer a large selection of useful and informative videos about our products in the collections listed below. If you are unable to find the information you are looking for in one of these videos, or if you have a suggestion for a future video topic, please contact us by phone or email and we will be happy to assist.
Step-By-Step Videos
Installing cable on your worm gear winch. Replacing the miter gears on a tongue jack. Adjusting the clutch on your StrongArm® electric winch. All this and more is covered in our Step-By-Step video series, which gives you easy-to-follow instructions on how to maintain and repair your D-L products.
Our D-L Difference video series highlights special features of and gives you more info about a wide range of U.S.-made D-L products. Find out why the D-L difference matters.
FAQ Videos
What’s the difference between all of the StrongArm® electric winch models? How do I adjust my D-L coupler? Why is my Goldenrod® fence stretcher-splicer stuck the first time I use it? These are the types of common questions answered in our FAQ video series.